

What do parents and carers say?

“I am so very grateful for the work you are doing and would be utterly lost without you. I felt like I was floating lost at sea before and then you came and threw me a life ring. THANK YOU !!”

“It’s incredibly valuable to have someone to talk to one-to-one, who understands and can listen and offer advice. Thank you.”

"Thank you so much for all your help and advice. It is really appreciated. Just to know that there are people out there to help is such a comfort."

“Thank you so much for spending the time talking to me today. I have felt like I wasn’t getting anywhere and couldn’t find a way forward as no one was helping. It’s been really helpful and reassuring, to finally talk to someone who gets it.” 

"I have to say a massive thank you. I feel a bit emotional actually as you are the first person to kindly dedicate the time responding to me with a degree of empathy and really helpful advice. Things have been very tough lately and I feel like I am frayed at the edges and need a break/support this is fantastic."

What do peer educators say?

"I wish this amazing service had been available for me when my autistic teenagers were much younger. But now as a Peer Educator, I am able to offer the guidance and help to families that I so desperately needed back then."

Peer educator, Autism Central, North West

"Supporting parents/carers is very rewarding as I remember how lost I felt at the beginning of our autism journey. If I can help others not to feel as lost as I did then, I feel satisfied."

Peer educator, Autism Central, East of England

"After raising two children with additional needs I am passionate and committed to empowering parent carers through education and guidance in navigating the SEN system. My role in Autism Central allows me to provide much-needed targeted support to families across the region."

Peer educator, Autism Central, North East and Yorkshire

“As a service manager and a late diagnosed autistic woman, being a peer educator is very important to me. My hope is to help parents and carers to understand autism while showing that being autistic shouldn’t limit their loved ones to achieve their own potential. There is little support out there for autistic people and their support network after a diagnosis, so I wanted to pass on my own lived experience and working knowledge to help others."

Peer educator, Autism Central, South East

"It is humbling to see parent carers balance busy lives, making time to better understand how to meet the needs of those they care for. The relaxed sessions provide Carers, Personal Assistants and Peer Educators with a positive atmosphere enabling all participants to leave feeling supported, informed, and empowered."

Peer educator, Autism Central, London