Advocacy Matters (Birmingham)

Advocacy Matters (Birmingham)

Advocacy Matters provide independent advocacy in Birmingham and Walsall to support vulnerable adults to deal with crisis issues. This includes working with young people (14-18 years old) and adults 18 years and over, who are on the autism spectrum. We can help with a wide range of issues including housing, social care, making complaints, access to health services and accessing services and support. Anyone can refer to the service either via the website, on the telephone, via fax, email or by coming to the office. Volunteers are accepted to work with service users. .

We offer training in a wide range of subjects to volunteers, carers and professionals. We offer half-day workshops or full-day courses and all our training focuses on the Social Model of Disability. Costs for courses depend on: number of people attending; statutory or non statutory organisation; venue; and, length of the session. Travel expenses for the trainers will be additional. Included in the price will be a training pack. This can be by hard copy or on a floppy disc. Statutory Services: £75 per person per day (min. 7 people), £300.00 for workshops. Private care providers and voluntary organisations: costs can be negotiated. .


From age 14 to 18
Aimed at

Registrations & Approaches

Staff and volunteers get autism awareness training
Other specialisms
Challenging behaviour, Community care, Criminal justice, Education, Employment, Learning disability, Mental capacity, Mental health