Autism Support Allerdale and Copeland
We are a local support group for parent carers, relatives and friends of children and adults who have (or are waiting for) a diagnosis of Autism. We meet on a monthly basis which is often a lifeline to our members, as living with disabilities can be very lonely and isolating. We invite representatives from local organisations who can provide services to our members, we arrange speakers who can ensure our members are accessing all available services, we are visited by local companies who want to work with us to make their venues more Autism-friendly. We arrange group visits to local attractions, parties, bowling to ensure we cover all age ranges as we work on a cradle to grave basis. We are now in the position to able to provide a permanent centre for the children, adults with Autism and to offer support to families of West Cumbria to visit that meets all of their needs. We hold training days, that are very well attended by parent carers, as well as teachers and nursery workers. The feedback from these are very positive and we will be to providing more of these events in the future.
To age 0
Aimed at
Parent/carer of a child
Parent/carer of a young person
Parent/carer of an adult