Bridge College

Bridge College

The Together Trust

Bridge College is a non-residential specialist Further Education (FE) College. We meet the needs of students up to the age of 25 years with learning difficulties and disabilities, complex needs, communication disorders and autism. With our new campus, we have access to a range of leisure and community facilities in Manchester as well as parks and open spaces. This means our students can learn in lots of different settings and develop the skills needed for life as an active and valued young adult in your community. Students can experience our hydrotherapy pool, our sensory rooms and our rebound room within a programme of activities. Our belief is that everyone should have the chance to achieve their potential, there are no exceptions. Bridge College aims to develop skills, independence and confidence for each student who may have learning difficulties and disabilities, complex needs, communication disorders and autism. Bridge College is based at Openshaw, Manchester and is part of the Together Trust charity, a specialist education, community and care provider. We have a staff team who are here to meet your goals whether you want to attend college full-time, part-time or on a blended programme which could be in partnership with another college such as The Manchester College. At our new campus we have access to a range of leisure and community facilities in Manchester as well as parks and open spaces.


From age 16 to 25
Aimed at

Registrations & Approaches

Other specialisms
Complex needs, Learning disability