Brooklands School

Brooklands School

The school has an assessment facility for younger pupils. Pupils are taught in classes of no more than 10 and are organised in Key Stages with pupils generally remaining in one class for two years. The school emphasises the importance of communication using Makaton signs/symbols and objects of reference. Treatment and Education of Autistic and related Communication handicapped CHildren (TEACCH) and Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) approaches are used throughout the school. Pupils with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) will be taught in classes where there is an emphasis on the use of TEACCH and PECS. These classes will have a high proportion of ASD pupils. Volunteers may be accepted to work with the pupils..


From age 2 to 11
Aimed at
Young person

Registrations & Approaches

Has autism-specific elements
Other specialisms
Learning disability