Cheshire East Autism Team (CEAT)

Cheshire East Autism Team (CEAT)

The Cheshire East Autism Team (CEAT) is a small school focussed team of teaching and support staff. They provide specialist support for children on the autism spectrum attending mainstream schools..

A diagnosis is not required for the team to become involved with a pupil. However, as it is a school-based service, requests for involvement are only received via the school. Once a request for involvement is received and accepted, a member of the team will be allocated and they will: .

  • discuss the difficulties being encountered and make recommendations of actions to follow,
  • discuss and model interventions as required with the child, family and school,
  • provide a report or record of visit outlining involvement and recommendations,
  • provide follow up visits and contacts as required.

Training opportunities including: .

  • autism specific awareness training (2 day course),
  • management of ASC behaviours training (1 day course),
  • bespoke training as appropriate.



To age 18
Aimed at
Parent/carer of a child

Registrations & Approaches

Exclusively autism specific