Crompton, Pippa (Dr)
Having worked as a specialist member of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) assessment clinics within a number of National Health Service (NHS) services, I have experience and expertise in the assessment and diagnosis of ASD. I believe that it is essential that assessments are completed in a robust manner, using a range of informants and assessment modalities, in order to allow a conclusion to be confidently met. The ASD assessment process that I provide involves: A review of existing professional or educational reports; Administration and scoring of a range of validated assessment questionnaires by home and school; A semi-structured observation of your child using the Autism Observation Diagnostic Schedule (ADOS-2); A detailed developmental history interview with parents; and Discussions with school staff. Where assessment findings are not found to be suggestive of ASD, I will provide alternative psychological understandings of individual's difficulties and a related psychological intervention can be provided if desired. I am not currently able to help with court cases. I will also offer psychological therapy to individuals with existing diagnoses of ASD who are experiencing emotional difficulties..
Multi-disciplinary assessment: No.