Garston Manor School
Garston Manor is a community special needs school for pupils aged 11-16 with Education Health and Care Plans (EHCPs). The school supports children with learning difficulties (LD), autistic spectrum conditions) ASC) and/or speech, language and communication needs. The school currently has 148 pupils on roll with an agreed safe number of 153. 81 of our pupils are autistic, making up 55% of the whole school population. Garston Manor School has a slogan "different for different" in recognition of the fact that all our students (autistic or not) are unique.
Garston Manor School promotes a total communication environment. Staff have explored the features of a communication friendly classroom; the school previously had the Communication Friendly Status (which has lapsed due to Covid-19). In the school, the use of visuals is prioritised and personalised as needed - some children will be provided with individual timetables, others will use the whole class timetable. Some children will follow a TEACCH system in the classroom and others will not need this. We use many of the approaches to support our students needs’ e.g. sensory integration, Zones of Regulation, PECS, Intensive Interaction, Social Stories and signing as appropriate to the needs of the individuals.
The school also uses the Pathways to Independence checklist to promote life skills and independence. This is shared with children and families, so goals/targets are agreed collectively, and both school and home collaborate in working towards these goals with the aim of promoting independence. Where required, AAC (both low tech and high tech) is also employed.