IPSEA (Independent Provider of Special Education Advice)

IPSEA (Independent Provider of Special Education Advice)

Online legal guides, resources and template letters

Use our free legal guides to learn about the law and how to enforce the rights of children and young people with SEND. Whether you need information on SEN Support or EHC plans, exclusions or appeals, we have resources for every topic.

Email Information Service

Parents and carers can use our Email Information Service for general legal enquiries and signposting to guidance on our website. Submit a request, and we’ll get back to you within five working days.

Telephone helplines

Parents/carers can get free and independent legal advice from our volunteers on any educational issue related to their child’s SEND. Contact our Call-in Helpline on a Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday, 9.30am - 2.30pm, or book an appointment on our Advice Line or Tribunal Helpline.

Tribunal Support Service

For families needing extra assistance to make an appeal or claim, our trained volunteers provide free individual casework support and advocacy. Access to this specialised service is available via our Tribunal Helpline. 

SEND law training

Increase your knowledge and understanding of the SEND legal framework with our training courses. We deliver training to parents, carers, school staff, parent carer forums, local authorities and other organisations working in the field of SEND. 

Policy work

Using the information and evidence captured through our advice services and training, we influence policy at both a local and national level. We are instrumental in shaping law and policy in the field of special educational needs and disability. 


To age 25
Aimed at
Parent/carer of a child
Parent/carer of a young person
Young person

Registrations & Approaches

Other specialisms
We are the leading charity in the field of SEND law in England, and we provide free and independent legal advice and support to families of children and young people with SEND.