The Martial Arts Coach

The Martial Arts Coach

Online kickboxing classes where the users will gain amazing life skills and confidence by training along with weekly kickboxing videos. As of 2023, we have run live classes for the last 17 or so years and have had children and adults who are on the spectrum in most of our academies and classes. 

The online program is designed for all ages and abilities on and off the spectrum etc as tonnes of parents and advocate groups told us it would really fit them. 

We all have experience of working with children and adults with autism and have done so for 17+ years. My partner works in psychology and is an advocate for young adults and teaches some live classes each week and also said they’d benefit from online learning. 

We aren’t offering to teach in person - we have designed online classes for all those too nervous and shy to attend in person. So anyone logging in to the website can either get -

1) 2 brand new video every single week
2) 20 videos up front
3) All 60 training videos straight away

Within the training videos students/ users will get fit, learn something new whilst learning the most valuable life skills there are - the confidence they will gain is insane.

Most of the clientele we have on this new website are on the spectrum and are from all over the UK. We are soon to launch the website into other countries as well. 


To age 0