The A-Stars is run and founded by the parents and carers of children and young adults with autism spectrum conditions (ASCs). At present it also receives support from professional teaching staff experienced in ASC's as the premises used are attached to a mainstream senior school which has a specialist base. The club welcomes any child or young adult (up to the age of 15 years) with an ASC or sibling, aged from 5. The club is not a crèche hence parents/carers are expected to remain on site for the 2 hour period (10.30am to 12.30pm). The aim is to provide a safe, friendly and non-judgemental environment for children and young adults on the spectrum whilst also encouraging them to participate in activities where possible. This can range from painting a picture right through to swimming sessions or enjoying a visit from the local football coach. Whilst the emphasis is on encouragement each parent/carer is asked to provide aspirations for their child or young adult and if that is merely to be around other individuals, feeling safe and enjoying the informality of the group than this is quite acceptable. The club is open to families in the Weymouth and Portland, Dorchester, Blandford and Bridport areas of South/South West Dorset..