Valley Invicta Primary School Kings Hill

Valley Invicta Primary School Kings Hill

We are a mainstream primary school with Specialist Resourced Provision. Our Specialist Resourced Provision is a Local Authority commissioned provision for children with an EHCP and a primary need of ASC. As a whole school, we have implemented strategies to support all of our Autistic pupils through quality first practice across all areas, identifying where more specialist support and intervention is required.

Children within the SRP are supported by specialist teachers and support staff, trained in ASC. Children from the main school also benefit from and are able to access, as appropriate, intervention and strategies from these specialist members of staff. Our Specialist staff from the SRP also collaborate closely with our mainstream staff to ensure consistency of practice for all pupils in our school.

Our vision and values:

Empower: To develop emotional and social communication and independence. To promote positive behaviours through high expectations, understanding and modelling.

Connect: To create a safe and purposeful learning environment so that each child feels nurtured and respected and able to build positive relationships with staff and peers. To think and work flexibly and effectively when providing support, responding to the needs of the individual and using their interests to engage and motivate.

Inspire: To support and inspire pupils to reach their potential and have goals and aspirations for the future. To build confidence so that pupils feel happy and secure in themselves, their relationships and their learning.


From age 4 to 11

Registrations & Approaches

Other specialisms
Specialist Advanced Award - November 2023