Getting extra help in educational settings
An online information session for parents and carers of autistic children (any age / no diagnosis required) in South West England
Event details
Getting extra help in educational settings
This free online session will provide information on what additional help autistic children are entitled to in educational settings and how to access that support.
We will cover:
- Special Educational Needs (SEN)
- Education Health and Care Assessments / Plans
- Annual Reviews
- Extra support in exams
The session will be facilitated by Amy Phipps. Amy is an experienced autism trainer who has Dyscalculia delivers information sessions and autism courses. Amy is mum to an autistic child and has worked in the field of autism for 20 years.
This session is free. It is for parents and carers of autistic children (no diagnosis required) living in South West England you must be registered in advance .
This is an online information session and wil be held using Zoom.
This event is part of the Autism Central Peer Education Programme. See our Terms of Service.