Personal Budgets and Employing PAs

Virtual meet-up

Personal Budgets and Employing PAs

An online information session for parents and carers of autistic children about personal budgets and hiring a Personal Assistant (PA)

Dates and Times
29 Apr 2025
10:00:AM - 12:00:PM
Event details
Life stage
Young person

Personal Budgets and Employing PAs

Join us for this free online session for parents and carers of autistic children about personal budgets and hiring a Personal Assistant (PA). The session will provide information about the following:

What is a Personal Budget?

What are Short Breaks?

How do I apply for a Personal Budget?

How do I hire my own PA?

What are my obligations as an employer?

This session is free. It is for parents and carers of autistic children (no diagnosis required) living in South West England you must be registered in advance .

This is an online information session and wil be held using Zoom.

This event is part of the Autism Central Peer Education Programme. See our Terms of Service.