Understanding Autism for Personal Assistants

Personal Assistants

Understanding Autism for Personal Assistants

An online workshop providing information and advice for personal assistants and direct payment workers around understanding autism.

Note: this workshop is for personal assistants and direct payment workers only, where they are providing paid care and assistance to autistic children and/or adults.

Dates and Times
08 Aug 2024
10:00:AM - 12:00:PM
Event details
Life stage
Young person
Key topics

Our Understanding Autism for Personal Assistant's and Direct Payment workers workshop will:

• Develop your understanding of autism
• Begin to understand what a diagnosis of autism might mean
• Recognise that each family’s experience will be different
• Gain some insight into different autistic experiences
• Become familiar with neuro-affirmative language

Note: if you are a parent or carer, please book onto our parent and carer workshops via: autismcentral.org.uk/midlands