Dealing with bullying

Dealing with bullying

Research has shown that autistic children are at increased risk of bullying at school. Bullying can take many different forms, from name-calling to physical assault or receiving nasty messages online.

Keep a log

If you think your child is being bullied, encourage them to keep a written log of what is happening. This will allow you to keep a record, which you will then be able to use when discussing the matter with school.

Talk to your child

Talk to your child and make sure they know that bullying is never their fault. Let them know that they are loved and that it’s okay to be different. You could also discuss possible strategies on how to respond if someone is unkind to them.

Arrange meetings with school

Arrange a meeting with your child’s class teacher, the school’s special educational needs co-ordinator (SENCO) or the head of year. Bring the bullying log and any supporting information you may have, such as screenshots that show online bullying. This can then be used by the school to find the perpetrators and to take appropriate action.

Duty of care

Schools have a duty of care and a responsibility to prevent bullying. They are required to have a behaviour policy in place that is published on their website and some may also have specific anti-bullying policies. If you’re not happy with the school’s response to a bullying incident, you may consider making a formal complaint. 

Find more advice on bullying in the resources below.

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