Support groups for families

Support groups for families

Being the parent or carer of an autistic person is not always easy. Sometimes you may feel that others lack understanding of your situation and it can be difficult to find the right information and support.

Meeting other families

Many parents and carers find that talking to other families with similar experiences can help. There are support groups for parents and carers in most local areas that are run by charities or local parent organisations. These allow families to share information on resources and services and receive emotional support.  

Some support groups also organise autism-friendly activities for children and can enable families to socialise together, with others who understand. Many parents report that the most important aspect of these groups is feeling a sense of community.

In person or online

Groups may meet in person for coffee mornings, organise family events, raise concerns with the Local Authority, and run information courses. If you find it hard to attend meetings in person, there are also online support groups and social media forums where you can meet others, share tips and get support. 

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