Resources for Parents and Carers

Resources for Parents and Carers

Understanding autism

Understanding autism resources for parents/carers

Sensory processing resources for parents/carers

  • Sensory Processing handbook PDF -  summary of the information that is covered in sensory processing presentations that are delivered in workshops.
  • Sensory profile worksheet PDF - a worksheet that can be printed out and filled in by parents/ carers, to help them think about their child’s sensory profile and how best to support their needs

Sensory processing videos

The following videos are recorded versions of the sensory processing PowerPoint presentations for parents and carers who can't attend live sessions.

 'Understanding autistic overwhelm, meltdowns and shutdowns' resources for parents/carers

Videos on 'Understanding autistic overwhelm, meltdowns and shutdowns'

The following videos are part of the 'Understanding autistic overwhelm' PowerPoint presentation, but can also be accessed individually. In these videos, autistic young people share their experiences around anxiety.


'Finding the right school' resources 

  • Choosing the right school for your child - PDF Guide for parents/carers on questions they may consider asking when choosing a school for their child. This resource can be printed out and could be taken into meetings with schools. It has room for parents and carers to add their own notes. Could be handed out in workshops or parents/carers can access this resource through their own login.
  • Choosing a school for your child - Video (7 mins) explaining how parents could use the PDF guide above. Different parents share their experiences and advice on finding the right school for autistic children. Could be shared in workshops or parents/carers can access this resource through their own login.
  • Choosing the right educational setting for your child - Video (11 mins) - parents talk about choosing alternative education settings for their children and what has worked for their families.

Good autism practice in education settings

Getting additional help at school

One page profiles

  • One page profiles - PowerPoint presentation to help parents/carers understand how to use One Page Profiles in educational settings, as a tool to highlight an autistic child or young person's individuality. This presentation has a voice-over narrative for parents/carers that can be accessed by viewing the presentation in 'presenter mode'.
  • One Page Profile worksheet - A PDF template for a One Page Profile with a completed example. A One Page Profile is a tool that can be used to highlight an autistic child or adult's individuality and maps out different aspects such as their likes, dislikes, goals, ambitions, what is important to them and more.

School attendance difficulties

  • School stress and anxiety - PDF Guide on school stress and anxiety. It explains common reasons for stress and anxiety and offers strategies to overcome barriers to inclusion in school. The guide gives parents/ carers ideas on what schools could do to help pupils to reduce stress and anxiety. The resource could be shared with education professionals.
  • The impact of school stress - Video (3 mins) about the difficulties autistic children may face at school and how this can lead to distressed behaviour at home or at school and lead to school attendance difficulties. The video provides some practical tips for parents to identify potential stress factors at school. 


  • Reasonable adjustments - Video (10 mins) about the rights and entitlements of autistic pupils and what schools need to offer under the Equality Act 2010. Explains what reasonable adjustments at school are, and how they can help avoid suspensions and exclusions.
  • School exclusions -  PDF Guide to help parents navigate equality law, rights and entitlements, when their autistic child is excluded or at risk of exclusion from school. The guide contains information on disability discrimination, disability-related behaviour and reasonable adjustments.
  • Steps to avoid exclusions - PDF Guide to explain the steps school should take to avoid the exclusion of autistic pupils. It offers information on the SEN support cycle, reasonable adjustments and EHC Needs Assessments.
  • Steps to avoid exclusions - Video (6 minutes) on steps to avoid exclusions of autistic pupils from school.
  • Successful reintegration of autistic pupils - PDF Guide to explain what schools can do to help with the reintegration of autistic pupils after a suspension. This includes a number of reintegration strategies for schools. 

Working with schools and other educational settings

Wellbeing videos (Finding the balance series 1)

Wellbeing videos

The following videos could be used as part of workshops and feature exercises which could be completed as a group. Alternatively, the parents/carers can access these videos through their own login.

  • Am I doing this all wrong - Video (20 mins) by Dr Naomi Fisher and Eliza Fricker on the impact of self-critical thinking on parents and what we can do to be more compassionate with ourselves.
  • Dealing with other people - Video (20 mins) by Dr Naomi Fisher and Eliza Fricker on how to deal with other people and feelings of blame and shame that many parents can experience.
  • Looking after yourself - Video (20 mins) by Dr Naomi Fisher and Eliza Fricker on how to look after yourself when it's difficult to find time away from your children.
  • Not what I signed up for - Video (23 mins) by Dr Naomi Fisher and Eliza Fricker on the gap of expectations versus reality in relation to parenting, and how we can let go of unhelpful expectations.
  • Why do I feel so drained - Video (22 mins) by Dr Naomi Fisher and Eliza Fricker on how we can focus on increasing the number of things in our lives which recharge our emotional batteries.
  • I can't relax - Video (20 mins) by Dr Naomi Fisher and Eliza Fricker on dealing with feeling constantly on edge as a parent and some practical suggestions for a reset.

Education videos (Finding the balance series 2)

Working with school (18 minutes) - Dr Naomi Fisher and Eliza Fricker discuss how parents/ carers can effectively work with schools to achieve the best outcomes for their autistic children.

Reasonable adjustments and EHCPs (15 minutes) - Dr Naomi Fisher and Eliza Fricker discuss what parents/ carers can do to access additional support for their autistic child at school.

Why school is hard (20 minutes) - School can be hard for many autistic children. Dr Naomi Fisher and Eliza Fricker look at the reasons for this and discuss what parents/ carers and educators can do to help.

School attendance problems (19 minutes) - Dr Naomi Fisher and Eliza Fricker discuss the reasons why many autistic children find attending school difficult and what parents/ carers can do to help.

Deciding about school (21 minutes) - Dr Naomi Fisher and Eliza Fricker discuss what parents/ carers may need to consider when thinking about taking their child out of school.

Education outside of school (23 minutes) - Dr Naomi Fisher and Eliza Fricker talk about alternative ways to access education for young people who cannot go to school.

Recovering from school (22 minutes) - Dr Naomi Fisher and Eliza Fricker discuss the stages of recovery that many children go through when they leave school and how parents/ carers can best support them during this time.

Low demand parenting videos (Finding the balance series 3)

Eating (18 mins) - Many parents are worried about what their children eat, and food can quickly become a battle ground. Dr Naomi Fisher and Eliza Fricker talk about why eating can be difficult for many autistic children, and how parents can help.

Sleep (18 mins) - When you aren’t sleeping, everything is difficult. You are exhausted and yet your child is still awake. In this video Dr Naomi Fisher and Eliza Fricker talk about how parents can help autistic children to get the sleep that they – and their parents – need.

Adolescence (21 mins) - Just as parents have worked out how to manage their child, along comes puberty and everything changes. In this video Dr Naomi Fisher and Eliza Fricker talk about the brain changes which go on during adolescence and how these can play out for autistic children.

Screens (22 mins)- Many parents are worried about how much time their autistic children spend on a screen. Dr Naomi Fisher and Eliza Fricker discuss why screens are so important for many autistic children, the role they play and what parents can do to help children develop a healthy relationship with screens.

Meltdowns (17 mins) - Parents say they feel like they are walking on eggshells around their autistic child, waiting for them to explode. What’s going on, and how can you manage when things really go wrong? Dr Naomi Fisher and Eliza Fricker explain what a meltdown is, why they happen and give some suggestions as to what parents can do to help.

Why won't they listen? (15 mins) - The way that we say things matters. It can make the difference between a peaceful or a conflictual interaction. What are the difficulties which happen for many families around communication, and how can parents do things differently? In this video Dr Naomi Fisher and Eliza Fricker introduce some ideas around low demand communication.

Why won't they just behave? (20mins) - Behaviour can be very challenging for parents to manage. In this video Dr Naomi Fisher and Eliza Fricker discuss the methods which parents are often told to use for behaviour, why these don’t work with many autistic children, and what to do instead.

Health and wellbeing of autistic family members

Resources on play

Play PDF - PDF Guide on play for parents/carers to be handed out in workshops. This can also be accessed by parents/carers directly through their login.

Resources on toileting

Toileting PDF - PDF Guide on toileting to be handed out in workshops. This can also be accessed by parents/carers directly through their login.

Navigating support

Resources on transitions to adulthood

Transitions to adulthood - PDF guide for parents and carers to be handed out in workshops. This can also be accessed by parents/carers directly through their login.

Anxiety checklist - Editable PDF with strategies that can help with anxiety for young people who are going through transitions.

Distress scale - Editable PDF for a 'self check-in' around anxiety for young people who are going through transitions

One page profile - Editable PDF template to record a person's likes and dislikes, which can be shared with others to help them understand how best to offer support.

Checklist for comparing colleges and universities - Editable PDF checklist 

Checklist for comparing social care provision - Editable PDF checklist

Template letter to request a social care assessment for under-18s 

Template letter to request a social care assessment for over-18s 


Personal assistants and personal budgets

Personal assistants and personal budgets PDF - A guide for parents and carers on hiring a Personal Assistant (PA) and how to access personal budgets. 

Understanding autism course for PAs - A free online course for personal assistants who want to increase their knowledge about autism.

All videos

Sensory processing videos

The following videos are recorded versions of the sensory processing PowerPoint presentations for parents and carers who can't attend live sessions.

Videos on 'Understanding autistic overwhelm, meltdowns and shutdowns'

The following videos are part of the 'Understanding autistic overwhelm' PowerPoint presentation, but can also be accessed individually. In these videos, autistic young people share their experiences around anxiety.

Understanding autistic overwhelm, meltdowns and shutdowns video - a video version of the presentation for parents and carers who can't attend live workshop sessions.

Education video

  • Choosing a school for your child - Video (7 mins) To be used together with the 'Choosing a school for your child' PDF resource. Different parents share their experiences and advice on finding the right school for autistic children. Could be shared in workshops or parents/carers can access this resource through their own login.
  • Choosing the right educational setting for your child - Video (11 mins) - parents talk about choosing alternative education settings for their children and what has worked for their families.
  • 8 Principles for supporting your child in early years settings - Video (3 mins) to be used together with PDF. Features parents talking about their experiences.
  • 8 Principles for supporting your child at school - Video (5 mins) to be used together with PDF. Features parents talking about their experiences.
  • 8 Principles for supporting your child in a post-16 setting - Video (3 mins) to be used together with PDF. Features parents talking about their experiences.
  • The impact of school stress - Video (3 mins) about the difficulties autistic children may face at school and how this can lead to distressed behaviour at home or at school and lead to school attendance difficulties. The video provides some practical tips for
  • Reasonable adjustments - Video (10 mins) about the rights and entitlements of autistic pupils and what schools need to offer under the Equality Act 2010. Explains what reasonable adjustments at school are, and how they can help avoid suspensions and exclusions. parents to identify potential stress factors at school. 

Education videos (Finding the balance series 2)

  • Working with school (18 minutes) - Dr Naomi Fisher and Eliza Fricker discuss how parents/ carers can effectively work with schools to achieve the best outcomes for their autistic children.

  • Reasonable adjustments and EHCPs (15 minutes) - Dr Naomi Fisher and Eliza Fricker discuss what parents/ carers can do to access additional support for their autistic child at school.

  • Why school is hard (20 minutes) - School can be hard for many autistic children. Dr Naomi Fisher and Eliza Fricker look at the reasons for this and discuss what parents/ carers and educators can do to help.

  • School attendance problems (19 minutes) - Dr Naomi Fisher and Eliza Fricker discuss the reasons why many autistic children find attending school difficult and what parents/ carers can do to help.

  • Deciding about school (21 minutes) - Dr Naomi Fisher and Eliza Fricker discuss what parents/ carers may need to consider when thinking about taking their child out of school.

  • Education outside of school (23 minutes) - Dr Naomi Fisher and Eliza Fricker talk about alternative ways to access education for young people who cannot go to school.

  • Recovering from school (22 minutes) - Dr Naomi Fisher and Eliza Fricker discuss the stages of recovery that many children go through when they leave school and how parents/ carers can best support them during this time.

Wellbeing videos (Finding the balance series 1)

  • Am I doing this all wrong - Video (20 mins) by Dr Naomi Fisher and Eliza Fricker on the impact of self-critical thinking on parents and what we can do to be more compassionate with ourselves.
  • Dealing with other people - Video (20 mins) by Dr Naomi Fisher and Eliza Fricker on how to deal with other people and feelings of blame and shame that many parents can experience.
  • Looking after yourself - Video (20 mins) by Dr Naomi Fisher and Eliza Fricker on how to look after yourself when it's difficult to find time away from your children.
  • Not what I signed up for - Video (23 mins) by Dr Naomi Fisher and Eliza Fricker on the gap of expectations versus reality in relation to parenting, and how we can let go of unhelpful expectations.
  • Why do I feel so drained - Video (22 mins) by Dr Naomi Fisher and Eliza Fricker on how we can focus on increasing the number of things in our lives which recharge our emotional batteries.
  • I can't relax - Video (20 mins) by Dr Naomi Fisher and Eliza Fricker on dealing with feeling constantly on edge as a parent and some practical suggestions for a reset.
  • Steps to avoid exclusions - Video (6 minutes) on steps to avoid exclusions of autistic pupils from school.

Low demand parenting videos (Finding the balance series 3)

  • Eating (18 mins) - Many parents are worried about what their children eat, and food can quickly become a battle ground. Dr Naomi Fisher and Eliza Fricker talk about why eating can be difficult for many autistic children, and how parents can help.
  • Sleep (18 mins) - When you aren’t sleeping, everything is difficult. You are exhausted and yet your child is still awake. In this video Dr Naomi Fisher and Eliza Fricker talk about how parents can help autistic children to get the sleep that they – and their parents – need.
  • Adolescence (21 mins) - Just as parents have worked out how to manage their child, along comes puberty and everything changes. In this video Dr Naomi Fisher and Eliza Fricker talk about the brain changes which go on during adolescence and how these can play out for autistic children.
  • Screens (22 mins)- Many parents are worried about how much time their autistic children spend on a screen. Dr Naomi Fisher and Eliza Fricker discuss why screens are so important for many autistic children, the role they play and what parents can do to help children develop a healthy relationship with screens.
  • Meltdowns (17 mins) - Parents say they feel like they are walking on eggshells around their autistic child, waiting for them to explode. What’s going on, and how can you manage when things really go wrong? Dr Naomi Fisher and Eliza Fricker explain what a meltdown is, why they happen and give some suggestions as to what parents can do to help.
  • Why won't they listen? (15 mins) - The way that we say things matters. It can make the difference between a peaceful or a conflictual interaction. What are the difficulties which happen for many families around communication, and how can parents do things differently? In this video Dr Naomi Fisher and Eliza Fricker introduce some ideas around low demand communication.
  • Why won't they just behave? (20mins) - Behaviour can be very challenging for parents to manage. In this video Dr Naomi Fisher and Eliza Fricker discuss the methods which parents are often told to use for behaviour, why these don’t work with many autistic children, and what to do instead.
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